Sunday, July 3, 2011

My little friend

There is a little servant girl in our neighbourhood. She has the most beautiful pair of eyes. The almond eyes has that dewy appearance alternating between wistful sadness and a childlike mischievousness. One day, I will sketch those wonderful eyes. Sometimes, I converse with her. She says kathmandu is nice, but she misses her village. Child labour is rampant here as I have observed. Many come from villages driven by poverty, lack of education and an urge to see the city. Almost every well to do family has some child servant. My friend is lucky in this that she goes to school and does not have to do all the household chores. There is another little servant next door.
They are always teasing each other. I find it amusing when I watch them.
Hopefully she gets the kind of opportunity denied to most of the servants here. When I ask her about her dreams, she is confused. May be she understands that being a servant closes many of the doors open to privileged few.

Saturday, June 25, 2011


Today had a nice walk in the rain with one of my friends. As we were walking along the Kamladi area, stopped for a darshan in the temple. I really liked the temple. Had been around the area a number of times, never stopping for a look. Today, I stopped there for a while. I voiced my appreciation for the temple architecture. My friend also agreed. He is a talkative kind of person. Tells me about how a guy thinks about life. Years younger then me, but maturer it seems. Should be like a younger brother, but sometimes it seems he is like an elder bro. Today we were discussing about how we keep harping about the negatives around us, forgetting the beauty of the moment. One another friend declared, he said, "I was born in a poor country, I want to do something to better it". He was angry at the problems that our country was suffering from. At first, I was stunned by his strong views. But then gentleness is considered a feminine character. Guys are meant to be aggressive and competitive. Am I wandering again? What is missing is not lack of ideas, but coherent approach that will create order out of chaos.
I like interacting with intelligent people. Even though it mostly degenerates into ragging kind of shouting match, but somehow still manage to find some interesting nuggets of knowledge. For ex. Yesterday, we got talking about curly hair..they told me that Mongolian people tend to have straighter hair and darker skinned people especially African people have curly.. interesting..
Complicated characters have their own eccentric quirky ways..Priceless...

Monday, June 6, 2011


Someone told me..answer to our every question is within us...Due to external factors, we tend to lose touch with our inner self...our core self..the naked vulnerable self..devoid of all the masks we put to shield ourselves....once in a while, someone just remind us our calling..or help us rediscover the inner self...
 talking with people from diverse social and economic background is enriching in itself..all are living with secret pain, disappointments, separations..we just think ours is the heaviest burden to bear...we are so closed in our outlook..
many times whenever I felt overwhelmed by everything...I wished that there be an angel who will look after me...someone watch over me..someone intangible..who will keep on reminding me that I will be ok....the idea of a soul mate is very romantic..that there is one for everyone out there....I have seen people go to pieces when their ideal shatters around them..painful is an understatement is sounding too senti one of my friends Mr. S says...vahiyaat...:P but..then this friend listens to the most romantic of songs..i.e how is that for a paradox...people who always are sarcastic about such things, act all practical and high and mighty..tend to be the most mushy inside...
Today I had a fun filled conversation with some of my colleagues...One guy in particular is very funny...the kind of guy around whom you can literally sense good vibes..a person whom you can trust fully..I don't know whether I am being simplistic here...or am I trying to paint a picture of a person to suit my fancy.When someone gives you a warm smile...that person becomes your eyes..he is a person who is not conventionally good looking..I thought him to be a little odd at first..but later when I got to know him better..when I saw him smiling...that smile transformed his I consider that person one of the most beautiful person around....
People might think me as very flighty..but for me..that is part of being alive and smelling the scent of life...

Friday, June 3, 2011


Yesterday night, I was working beyond regular hours in the office with my two colleagues. Working to finish one critical assignment, I was thinking, was this worth it? Am I in the right place ? Or for that matter, am I in the right time? The sense of confusion sometimes make one lose touch with reality. Later we went out for ice-cream and had a nice break from the monotony of the office work. Licking our ice creams, sitting on the sidewalk..and watching the world go by...reminded me that sometimes..its best to just let go..Project deadline was forgotten for a while, enjoying the moment...I was amused by the way, my colleagues were checking out girls..when I believe them to be very seems innocence is a vestigial part of our mind is there but not activated. Well as someone told me..this is perfectly normal..the opposite would be abnormal...we all do...checking out people..whether we are interested or not..or that we are curious about the unknown...or hidden..guess mind reading would be great for someone like me..who has an insatiable curiosity of the I wish I could understand people better..many times..I felt they wanted to say something to me..but just stopped..or that I didn't catch what they were trying to convey by their actions...I if I have lost out of potential bonding by this...then later..when I sit down and go through the day's events, it becomes kind of clear...the ever bubbling thoughts prevent the calm state of mind.

Friday, April 22, 2011

The question of being right

Who is right and who is wrong ? Who takes all..even history..this is a debate which has been done to death..religious, political, philosophical or plain common sense...

Thursday, April 14, 2011


Today is the first day of a new Year 2069 Nepalese Calender. There is a light drizzle outside. Feel like going out and getting drenched in the rain. But then, I am very susceptible to cold...The overall weather is fine and little meloncholy..When I close my eyes, I dream that I am walking through a jungle trail...high among the mountains..that I see every working day while commuting in the office bus..ethereal beauty of nature..mists enveloping the surrounding countryside..just walking..falling rain...still air..fragrance of falling leaves..wildflowers beautiful that tears wells up in a flash of a smile...feels like catching the moment and imprint it within my heart for eternity..